Survey Findings

CAPTCHA copying is a problem

Over 60% of respondents claim they have experienced problems when copying CAPTCHA.

Figure 1: Opinions on copying CAPTCHA symbols

Marking obligatory fields with an asterisk is insufficient

Marking obligatory form fields with bold typeface (Variant A) or an asterisk (Variant B) does not suffice. As expected, only 61% and 77% of users selected the obligatory fields (variants A and B, respectively).

Figure 2: Marking of obligatory fields by expectation

Users use their favourite passwords

Nearly 75% of users claim they only use several favourite passwords for all their user accounts on the Internet. Any conditions to curb a simple password are obtrusive.

Figure 3: Password generation method
Figure 4: Representation by opinion and limiting conditions

Users do not mind confirming passwords during registration

Surprisingly, more than 57% of users hold a positive view on confirming their passwords during registration. 90% of users hold a positive or neutral view. The reason is that users might consider password confirmation as a true check rather than a strain.

Figure 5: Password confirmation during the registration procedure, representation by view

Web typeface size – 14 px is the best

It has been found that the text type size users rated as the most comfortable to read was 14 pixels (using the Arial typeface). It was selected by nearly 92% of users. Users aged 45+ also felt comfortable with a text type size of 17 pixels.

Figure 6: Arial typeface, 14 px, text reading ability

The best-known keyboard shortcuts are “copy” and “paste”

The keyboard shortcuts users knew most often were those for “paste” (85.6% of respondents knew) and “copy” (85.1% knew). Other shortcuts “select all”, “print”, “save”, and “find” scored from 60 to 70%.

Figure 7: Browser keyboard shortcuts, knowledge

Nearly all know the Facebook icon

The logotype of the website of the Facebook social network (see below) was known to nearly 95% of users.

Figure 8: Knowledge of social network icons

Opening a link in a new window is a problem

Most users do not like links opening in new windows; they are able to use the function anyway. More than 80% of users are able to open a link in a new window; more than 75% of users mind links automatically opening in new windows.

Figure 9: Opening a link in a new window, representation by ability
Figure 10: Opening a link in a new window, representation by opinion

Two map portals – Seznam and Google

Users predominantly refer to two map portals – and Therefore, users show no clear preference for a single map portal.

Figure 11: Map portal preference

Users prefer embedded maps

More than 70% of respondents prefer an embedded map to a link to a map portal for showing the location of an address.

Figure 12: Address presentation methods

Users know technical terms

More than 24% of all respondents believe they understand all these indicated terms and they could explain them to another person: Flash, .doc, .pdf, cookies, Javascript, Adobe Air, HTML, mouse/cursor, Wi-Fi, RSS, torrent, ZIP, and scrolling. The best-known terms, which over 90% of users understand, are: mouse/cursor, Wi-Fi, .zip, .pdf, .doc.

Figure 13: Comprehension of IT terms